Cultural associations

Foreign cultural associations Giengen

Alevi cultural centre Heidenheim and surroundings – Seat
Ferdinand-Porsche-Straße 5 | 89537 Giengen an der Brenz

Education and Integration Association in Giengen
e. V.
Steigstraße 4 |89537 Giengen an der Brenz

DITIB Turkish
Cultural Association
Spitalstraße 11 | 89537 Giengen an der Brenz

Giengener Turkish-Islamic Cultural Association:
Lange Str. 10 | 89537 Giengen an der Brenz

Turkish-Islamic Cultural and Sports Club

Turkish Parents‘
Advisory Board Chairman
Erkan Becan
Mobile: 0160 / 912 42 508

Further information can be found on the homepage of the city of Giengen –Associations + Organisations